My world, live it, love it, get used to it!

I'm a fermata hold me!

Friday, December 31, 2004

hello 2005

this will be my last post of 2004 and i really dont care i mean its year 2005 woohoo who cares

right now i am stuck in denton trying to enjoy new years eve on the computer which will not happen since i have nothing to do, o-well HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE

Thursday, December 30, 2004

so bored

there is absoultley nothing to do in my house right now my bro is at my grandparents house so i dont get to bother him at all but at least i get to play on my new POOL TABLE woohoo it is so much fun

my christmas was great i got a stereo system that was too big for one person to carry while it was still in the box, thats crazy and i also got


finally, i mean i never thought i would get one it is so awesome, but i am sure you people dont care what i got for christmas, what ever anyways HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL


Tuesday, December 28, 2004

what a great christmas

i hope eveybody had a nice christmas and a happy 2004 but sadly it is almost time to go back to school and resume our lives being tired and hungry every single day time to go back to late nights of doing homework and just worrying about what is going to happen to you the next day, just kidding


Friday, December 24, 2004


it is finally christmas eve and i am so excited i maybe bored but i cant wait until tommorrow it is still very boring here at my grandparents house there is nothing to do and nobody to talk to

my brother keeps trying to get me to play games with him but i always turn him down i really dont know why he likes to play games with me since i always beat him o-well

i hope all of you Celina peoples had fun in the snow i didnt since we got about 1 hour of snow down here all we get is the cold weather so it is once again unfair for me, well i guess i will stop now for everyones pleasure
Happy Holidays

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

maybe i win

so anonymous do you give up because i dont see you posting on my blog anymore i am going to give you until christmas until you lose this one

besides that only 4 days until christmas i cant wait i get to enjoy this wondrous holiday at my grandparents house for 2 weeks woohoo just relaxing all week and enjoying my life

my parents gave me and my bro an early christmas present this year they gave us a pool table and it is so much fun i think this christmas is going to be pretty good this year


Sunday, December 19, 2004

i lose

i would love to congratulate Anonymous but i am afraid i cant since i dont know who she/he is but i have notice that i cannot stump this anonymous person with anything so i am going to post more hints for anonymous to figure out

1. I Witnessed Maternal Parent Osculating Bewhiskered Male in a Carmine Ensemble

2.Ornament the enclosure with large sprigs of berry-bearing evergreen

3.Perambulating in a Terrain of Stupefaction from 12/21 to 3/19

4.Those of you who are true, come here

those are all easy


Saturday, December 18, 2004

no more fooling around

ok so far all of the christmas carols have been pretty easy but try these three

1. Boreal Ice Crystal Homo Sapien
this one is easy

2. Give Attention to the Melodious Celestial Beings
this one is a little harder

3. Pastoral woolies nocturnally observed in vigilance by herdsman
i dont even have the answer to this one but your answer has to make sense
good luck

this is crazy

ok Anonymous this one is for you

loyal followers advance
that one should be easy right

except this time dont post anonymously unless you are scared


Friday, December 17, 2004

christmas game

as i said before the christmas song hints are going to get harder so try this one

Antlered Quadruped Valentino Namesake with the Vermilion Proboscis

now if anybody can figure out this song your i will post an even harder one tomorrow or the next day good luck


Thursday, December 16, 2004


WOHOO only 1 more day of school then it is christmas break
the great time of the year when i get to go to my grandparents house and eat until physically restrained by my grandma

ok enough of that time for a little christmas game, I am going to give you a saying and you have to guess what christmas song i am talking about

The diminutive male of less than adult age who plays a percussion instrument

now this one should be easy to most of you, so just post what you think the song is


in a few days i will get another on so be ready it will be a bit harder

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

semester tests

omg i have never been so bored during school i mean come on it takes everybody 40-50min. to finish their test yet the teachers keep us for an extra 45 min to do nothing
out of all that i am going to have to say one thing the fact that i can go up to my brother and say i get out of school at 11:45 and laugh is a great feeling haha

Monday, December 06, 2004

this one is for Parris

i found the ultimate list of you might be a band geek if around 800 ways i saw that and figtured how on earth can there be that many ways to tell if you are a band geek but i guess i was wrong
have fun Parris


Sunday, December 05, 2004


i am going to give major props to my bro for making 2nd chair SYMPHONIC band but he got beat by Joey who got 1st chair which means i get to make fun of him for that jk he got the best chair out of all the 7th graders which is pretty good he is following in my footsteps in a way


Saturday, December 04, 2004

what a game

last night's game was a brutal and agonizing defeat but all good things must come to an end at some point and last night was our last night to play
personally i think we could have won the game but that is just me being me because i do not ever like to lose at anything
but one good thing did happen and i can describe it in two words THE CLOSER it struck again and caused a blocked kick and a touchdown for us and it was awesome one of the most exciting thing to happen this season

well thats all i got for now