My world, live it, love it, get used to it!

I'm a fermata hold me!

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Tisk Tisk Tisk

I'm ashamed of you people not even ONE post on this riddle! well here's the answer

I once made a re*mark* about the hidden books of the Bible. It was a lu*lu; ke*pt people loo*king s*o hard for f*acts* and for others it was a *revelation*. Some were in a *jam es*pecially since the names of the books were not capitalized, but the t*ruth* finally struck home to *numbers* of readers. To others, it was a real *job*. We want it to be *a mos*t fascinating few moments for you. Y*es ther*e will be some really easy ones to spot. Others may require *judges* to help them. I will quickly admi*t it us*ually takes a minister to find one of them, and there will be loud *lamentations* when it is found. A little lady says s*he brews* a cup of tea so she can concentrate better. See how well you can com*pete. R*elax now for there really are sixteen names of the books in the Bible in this story.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Bible riddle

There are 16 books of the Bible in the following paragraph...can you find them?
I once made a remark about the hidden books of the Bible. It was a lulu; kept people looking so hard for facts and for others it was a revelation. Some were in a jam especially since the names of the books were not capitalized, but the truth finally struck home to numbers of readers. To others, it was a real job. We want it to be a most fascinating few moments for you. Yes there will be some really easy ones to spot. Others may require judges to help them. I will quickly admit it usually takes a minister to find one of them, and there will be loud lamentations when it is found. A little lady says she brews a cup of tea so she can concentrate better. See how well you can compete. Relax now for there really are sixteen names of the books in the Bible in this story
I will post the answer Wednesday
(I won't lie this one is not REALLY hard, BUT there are some REALLY tricky ones in there)

yay riddles

If you were running a race, and you passed the person in 2nd place, what place would you be in now?

I want to see how awake you people are while reading my blog.

You people better get this right!

Saturday, February 11, 2006


A whole new world of jokes

What's the difference between a violin and a viola?
There is no difference. The violin just looks smaller because the violinist's head is so much bigger.

What's the difference between a violin and a fiddle?
A fiddle is fun to listen to.

Why are viola jokes so short?
So violinists can understand them.

How do you tell the difference between a violinist and a dog?
The dog knows when to stop scratching.

How many second violinists does it take to change a light bulb?
None. They can't get up that high!

String players' motto: "It's better to be sharp than out of tune."

Why is a violinist like a SCUD missile?
Both are offensive and inaccurate.

What's the difference between a fiddle and a violin?
No-one minds if you spill something on a fiddle.

Why do violinists put a cloth between their chin and their instrument?
Violins don't have spit valves.

Why should you never try to drive a roof nail with a violin?
You might bend the nail.

Jacques Thibault, the violinist, was once handed an autograph book by a fan while in the greenroom after a concert. "There's not much room on this page," he said. "What shall I write?"
Another violinist, standing by, offered the following helpful hint: "Write your repertoire."

"Haven't I seen your face before?" a judge demanded, looking down at the defendant.
"You have, Your Honor," the man answered hopefully. "I gave your son violin lessons last winter."
"Ah, yes," recalled the judge. "Twenty years!"

The world of symphonies are so much alike to us small band people